Uvines has been identified as a risky opportunity by Intelligence Commissioner users. It is similar to Grembit. We’ve received over 6 complaints against Uvines.
Uvines.com is a well-known cryptocurrency fraud site that promotes pyramid schemes, bogus ICOs, and phishing. It deceives individuals by offering high profits and uncommon investment opportunities, leading them to invest in cryptocurrencies that do not exist or are worthless. Uvines.com is unlicensed and unregulated, meaning that it operates unlawfully and without accountability. Investors suffer financial losses and have no regulatory protection. Before engaging with any investing site, undertake extensive research and confirm its legitimacy.
Get Your Money Back From These Scammers!
Unquestionably! The website Uvines.com has been identified as a cryptocurrency scam. When you visit this website, you can come across several misleading actions, such as the implementation of pyramid schemes, the promotion of fake initial coin offerings (ICOs), or the use of phishing techniques.
Unsuspecting customers are enticed into investing in cryptocurrencies by the persons or organizations that are behind Uvines.com. These individuals or groups employ alluring promises of substantial profits or other unique investment possibilities. Uvines.com, on the other hand, is not a reputable platform for Bitcoin transactions or investments, and this fact must be brought to everyone’s attention.
Its principal objective, on the other hand, is to trick customers into investing in cryptocurrencies that either do not exist or have no value at all! The victims who put their faith in the assurances provided by the proprietors of Uvines.com may end up incurring financial losses as a result of this fraud. If you want to avoid falling prey to scams like these, it is very necessary to exercise care and carry out extensive study before participating in any trading of bitcoin.

The lack of regulation or the presence of poor regulation is a huge red flag. It means Uvines is a scam and most likely, an illegal operation.
Companies offering investment services or opportunities without having a license can vanish without leaving a trace. Furthermore, the lack of a regulatory license allows them to get away with it and face no legal consequences.
That’s why it’s vital for you to always check a company’s regulation status as well as its license information. The presence of a license allows consumers to reach out to an authority if something goes wrong.

In the case of Uvines, victims have nowhere to go due to the absence of a watchdog or license.
You should ask yourself the following questions when you come across a new investment firm or opportunity:
- Does the investment provider maintain transparency about its CEO?
- Do they have a license from a renowned regulatory authority?
- If the need arises, can I reach out to an authority to report this company as a scam?
Users of Uvines are encouraged to add funds to their accounts to get access to the incentives that are offered to them. These bonuses typically range from $500 to $1,000 in USDT. On the other hand, these top-ups provide the principal source of revenue for the fake website.
Users deposit monies into their accounts with the expectation of receiving the gifts that have been promised to them. They may then begin interacting with the platform to use and withdraw the capital that they have deposited.
After completing the registration process, customers will see a boost in their amount on their Uvines dashboard of about 0.31 BTC after inputting the codes that have been issued to them. Nevertheless, when customers make an effort to withdraw these monies, they are prompted by a message to first make a minimum deposit of 0.005 BTC to “activate” the capability to withdraw this amount.
This deposit requirement is a deceptive strategy that is used to deceive consumers who are not paying attention to transferring actual Bitcoin payments, which are then swiftly taken by unethical individuals.
It is of the utmost importance to be aware of the fact that the Uvines platform and its alleged celebrity cryptocurrency giveaway do not exist. Victims are enticed into depositing cash by false promises, only to suffer the consequences of falling victim to fraudulent schemes that are perpetrated by hostile people.
However, it’s worth noting that many scammers disable their payment channels before shutting down their operations.
They might give you multiple reasons including:
- A technical error
- A glitch in their system
- Banking issues
- A “hacking attack”
And many others.
But in 9/10 cases, the scammers stop making payments and keep the money to themselves. Hence, the payment methods we discussed here might not work.
If you want to get your money back from a scammer, you’d need to file a chargeback.
When it comes to scammers, you should only measure the quality of their customer service if they respond to your complaint.
In the beginning, scammers tend to remain very accessible.
This means their representatives will keep calling you until you invest with them. Furthermore, they will act friendly and make it seem as if you’re one of their most valuable consumers.
However, they do all this just to win your trust.
Scammers understand that to convince someone to give them a large sum, they will need to seem like a friend.
Nevertheless, when you have invested a considerable amount of money and need to get it back, their customer support will become inaccessible.
All of a sudden, their numbers would either stop responding or become unavailable.
Still, they might remain accessible to convince you to invest further. Also, they might begin by making a few excuses regarding your payment.
However, in the end, customer support won’t resolve your issues and become increasingly unavailable.
If you have information on a scam or criminal operation, you can get access to 40+ investigative journalists & news outlets for free. Send us a detailed report here and if you qualify, we will forward your case ahead.
It’s worth noting that many scammers tend to purchase fake reviews. Buying fake reviews has become extremely easy and it’s a multi-million dollar industry.
Scammers like Uvines tend to purchase fake reviews for their online profiles to make themselves seem more credible.
TIME Magazine investigated the fake review industry and estimated it to be worth more than $150 million. Certainly, there are a ton of scammers who want to seem legitimate and a bunch of fake reviews is the most effective way to do so.
That’s why you shouldn’t trust Uvines reviews easily.
It’s easy to identify fake reviews as well. You should look out for 5-star reviews posted by temporary accounts (profiles that only posted 1 or 2 reviews on the platform). Also, you should see if the positive reviews share any detailed information about their experience with the firm or not.
In the case of Uvines, chances are, you wouldn’t find many legitimate reviews.
Another prominent way scammers like Uvines enhance their credibility is by burying negative reviews and complaints under a lot of fake reviews.
This way, when you’ll look up “Uvines reviews”, you might not find many complaints. Or, you might find them buried within numerous reviews praising Uvines.

You should always look out for consumer complaints. In the case of Uvines, the most common complaints I found were about:
- Poor customer support
- Delays in payments
- High fees
- Lack of transparency regarding their leadership team
- Aggressive sales staff
Do you have a similar complaint about Uvines? You can share your complaint in the comment section or submit an anonymous tip.
Uvines is an unregulated entity. Although they might fall under the jurisdiction of a watchdog, they don’t have the license to offer financial services to consumers.
The lack of a license means they are not answerable to any regulatory authority. As a result, the people behind Uvines can run away with your money without any prior notice. It would help if you were extremely cautious when dealing with an unregulated service provider.
The absence of a watchdog also means you cannot report to them to anyone.
Also, due to the absence of specific regulations, there is no provision protecting you from the insolvency of this entity. If they go bankrupt, you won’t be able to do anything about it.
Can You Trust Uvines?
All the evidence suggests that Uvines is a scam. If you have lost money to them, there is still a chance you can get it back.
To recover your funds, you’d need to file a chargeback.